Rats are very social creatures and that means they shouldn't be kept as single pets, they need a companion. When getting a companion they should be the same age so they don't have conflict. Especially if you have males, boy rats can be much more calm than the energetic females. But females usually will not fight as much as young males. Another thing with males is even though they are very cuddly they can have a stronger odor than females.
Rats love to play and should be brought out of their cage daily. They are intelligent animals and can become destructive when they haven't had time to play. I recommend you play with your rats for a couple hours a day, holding them, letting them play with -you possibly in a tent. Tents can come in handy for bonding with your rat, once you get inside with them and they have free roam it's a fun time for you both! Otherwise you should only let your rat free roam in a rat-proofed room. Never leave your rat outside the cage without close supervision.
Cage cleaning will be a daily to weekly routine depending on the number of rats you have and the size and style of cage. Always make sure their cage is well ventilated and clean, rats are very clean animals.
Rats with a healthy diet with the right ingredients live longer happier lives! Make sure you give a wide range of foods for your pet rat and let them show you their favorites, my last heart rat loved strawberries! You can play games with treats such as fresh fruits or little chunks of fresh COOKED chicken and you'll be amazed at how fast these little guys can learn tricks!